1. Download and install the R-2.0.0.dmg file. (To be safe, check here for the most recent version, along with some additional installation information). This installs the free and popular statistical software package R.
  2. Download the R library extension qvalue_1.1.tar.gz, making sure you don't let your computer automatically unzip the file. The library can be installed by starting RAqua, selecting the pull-down menu 'Packages -> Install from local files -> Source package file (.tar.gz)', and then selecting qvalue_1.1.tar.gz from wherever you saved it.
  3. Download the manual (in PDF format). This and the standard R library help documentation give instructions for using the software.

NOTE: Make sure you (a) install all of the .pkg files in Step 1 (for example, there are four of them in the Jan 2004 release) and (b) have X11 running when using the point-and-click interface. If R complains when you try to use the point-and-click interface, then you may need to install this tcltk package in addition.